Want to Help Your Students Apply to College? Share This with Them Now!

The time for your students to complete college applications will be here faster than you can imagine. You don’t want them scrambling at the last minute to figure out how to apply to college.

Here’s what you can share with your students so they will be ready to independently complete and submit their college applications on time.

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Getting Students College-Ready

college awareness

Helping Students Choose a Career

career exploration

Teaching Students About the Personal Statement

The personal statement

Building Relationships and
Social-Emotional Support

team-building & motivation

Helping Students Afford College

Financial AID

Equipping Students with
Essential Skills for Success

College Readiness skills

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Want to help your college-going students get strong letters of recommendation? This is what I tell students they need to do.

How to Ask for Letters of Recommendation (9 Tips to Give Your Students)

College Readiness Skills

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Would you like to have better Socratic seminars in your class? Read this blog post for Socratic seminar tips!

10 Powerful Tips Every Teacher Needs to Have a Better Socratic Seminar

College Readiness Skills

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socratic seminar

I had some issues with the Socratic method spoken so highly of among AVID teachers…I worried about groupthink or, dare I even say, indoctrination. 

Would You Like to Know What I Really Think about Socratic Seminars?

College Readiness Skills

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Getting into the best colleges and receiving big scholarships isn’t easy. It’s very competitive! This is why “personal branding” must be part of your college readiness curriculum. 

Why Teachers Must Help Students with Personal Branding

College Readiness Skills

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taking focused notes

Want your students to retain what they learn? Here are five tips on teaching focused note-taking to ensure success!

Five Useful Tips on How to Teach Students Focused Note-Taking

College Readiness Skills

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for Secondary Teachers and Counselors

16 Essential Lessons to Get Your Students College and Career Ready!

College and Career Readiness Curriculum Planning Guide

Better than Free Donuts!

You don't have to do this alone!

They say two heads are better than one, right?!
Sign up below to get my College and Career Readiness Curriculum Planning Guide with enough ideas of what to teach over four years of high school!